Friday, October 16, 2009

James and Julie Branaman

I kind of dropped the ball on posting some of my favorite portraits of James and Julie on their wedding day in Kona, Hawaii. So, here they are.

Bethel Mennonite School

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Peaceful Morning

I traveled to Camp Shenendoah near Swoope, Va., last weekend to catch a little bit of the Grindstone 100 ultra-marathon. After sleeping off and on in my car, I hung out near the pond as the sun was rising. A peaceful morning indeed. The corn photo was just something I saw while driving to an aid station in the race.

Last Night in Kona

This is from several months back when I went to Kona to shoot my friends wedding. We were having dinner outside before everyone parted ways when half the table popped up from our seats to play with some light.

The Frigid Frog

Jerry Miller, left, and his son and CEO, Kalab, 15, at The Frigid Frog at the corner of Timberlake and Old Graves Mill Road in Lynchburg, Va. The Frigid Frog is shaved ice business and will soon be offering some hot foods, as well as merchandise like booty shorts for the high school kiddos.

Blessing of the Animals

Liberty University Football

I always look forward to shooting some daylight football. This is from Saturday's game pitting Liberty University against a much undermanned West Virginia Wesleyan.

Friday, October 2, 2009

An End to Ramadan

Close to 110 local Muslims took part in the Eid-ul-Fitr prayer at the Marshall Lodge #39 in Lynchburg, VA. Eid-ul-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan for Muslims all over the world. Ramadan, which is the ninth month in the Islamic year, is a month of self-restraint lasting 29-30 days depending on the moon. The Eid-ul-Fitr prayer was followed by a large breakfast.

Whistle Stop

I covered a Whistle Stop celebration for an additional new Amtrak service running from Lynchburg to Washington D.C. and the northeast.

Appomattox Gas Line Explosion Anniversiary

In the fall of 2008, a gas line exploded in Appomattox, Va., destroying several homes and luckily, killing no one. We took a look back at that day, talking to several people who were involved in one way or another. Deputy Mattox was the first one on the scene and Greg Heath, who works for the gas company, shut off the gas.